Studies & Master planning
At ECG, we understand that master planning guides growth and development, and as such is paramount to the future success of all projects. This is why we really give it our all.
Our master planning approach covers urban planning, land-use planning, transportation facilities, open spaces, and public services, as well as environment and heritage conservation precincts; and if this is not enough, we conduct a broad range of other studies pertaining to air, soil, water, health, and safety.
These studies include Economic Impact Analyses, Energy Efficiency Potential Studies, Environmental Impact Assessments, Feasibility Studies, Geotechnical & Ground Engineering Studies, GIS Studies, Hazard & Operability Studies (HAZOP), Hydrologic & Hydraulic Studies, Land Valuations, Marketing Researches, Population Studies, Real Estate & Asset Appraisals, Social Impact Assessments, Solid Waste Management Studies, Traffic Impact Assessments, Urban Development Studies, and water, air, and soil characterizations.
This meticulous attention to detail and comprehensive approach has paid off. Today, we are the trusted name in the field of engineering consultancy both nationally and globally. In addition, we take great pride in that.
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Sheikh Zayed City Extension
The project covers the strategic plan and development strategy of Sheikh Zayed City Extension, which stretches over an area of 8,500 feddans, including an area of 1,800 feddans for a preparatory phase covering top-priority segments of the extension. The strategic plan and development strategy ensure optimal land uses within the area and its territorial elements. They are integrated with the overall strategic plan of Sheikh Zayed City and 6th of October City.
The projects of the strategic plan aim to:
- establish an attractive and functional layout meeting the housing needs of the increasing residents of Giza Governorate
- foster residential communities and boost investments in Greater Cairo
- establish an integrated urban environment and multifunctional developments, with proportional distribution of residential and other uses
Work covers a variety of activities:
- performing data collection in coordination with relevant government authorities
- studying and analyzing the current situation of economic activities, in terms of macroeconomic fundamentals, land uses, size of investments, development opportunities, demand for urban and residential activities, problems and obstacles to development, illegal land seizures, and role of Sheikh Zayed extensions within the investment map adopted by the government
- Studying transportation and infrastructure networks (water, sewage,telecommunications, electricity, gas, etc.), and identifying environmental resources, energy sources, and electric power transmission mechanisms, with SWOT analyses for study sectors objectives, and selecting an optimum scenario of urban development to establish an investment hub to the west of Cairo
- preparing an urban development strategic plan and urban planning alternatives; selecting the optimum alternative; and identifying top-priority projects to implement the required development strategy
- preparing an economic development strategic plan, including plans for infrastructure networks, public services, transportation, public transport, and conservation of natural resources (energy and water)
- outlining land uses in the light of development indicators; identifying the requirements of housing projects and associated services; defining the implementation stages related to top-priority areas; proposing urban patterns; determining the physical configuration of central areas; and specifying the structural requirements for the extension’s areas
- conducting economic studies; preparing a proposal on the best systems that can be utilized to encourage investments; and preparing an investment guide for top-priority projects
- preparing a detailed master plan showing land use zoning, public services, landscaping, and various other project components, with an identification of building regulations for all land uses and project components
- preparing detailed design drawings and tender documents forinfrastructure networks
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